Commercial Fire Alarms

Commercial Fire Alarms Systems for Schools Gyms Shops Hospitals Industrial Properties

Without a doubt, fire safety is a crucial consideration for any business, and having a reliable fire alarm system in place can mean the difference between a small incident and a devastating disaster. That’s why at Adept Fire & Security, we offer a wide range of hard-wired and radio commercial fire alarm systems. Our systems are designed to detect smoke and fire quickly, and to alert occupants and emergency services as soon as possible.

Custom Fire Alarm System Design and 24/7 Monitoring Services

We will work with you to design a custom fire alarm system that fits the layout of your building and any specific needs you may have. We offer a variety of options including smoke detectors, heat detectors, manual call points and more. All of our systems are fully compliant and open protocol.

From just £2 a week, our NSI Gold alarm receiving centre can remotely monitor your fire alarm system for fire and fault events. In the event of an alarm, our team will immediately notify your nominated keyholders and the local fire brigade to ensure a quick response.

We know how important it will be to you to get your fire alarm systems right. Our many years of experience ensure that you are in safe hands, and thus, so is your business. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and receive a free quote for your commercial fire alarm system.